DECEMBER 25TH, 2024:Two dreams this night. In one, my coworker was getting irritated with me because I kept on missing time-sensitive tasks. In the other, Inanimate Insanity was added to Heroes of Might and Magic III. The Floor was a town, and you automatically played as Mephone4. The Floor would sometimes send you messages about how he missed you and wanted you to talk to him again. The entire town interface for him was just talking with him.
DECEMBER 24TH, 2024: Had a dream that this guy on YouTube who does videos about architecture was reviewing what your cat's ear positions meant about them, with a rhyme scheme and everything. Woke up after like 2 hours and couldn't get back to sleep :/
DECEMBER 22ND, 2024: I was in college in a room full of other students, who had joined to play a game of GeoGuessr in a tournament. I joined solely because I knew I was awful at it and wanted to have fun. In the middle, Drake bought a huge swath of land (including the government?), and posted a really vague article about it online. He refused to give his stances on which politicians he was endorsing, but I remember very vividly that he made a statement along the lines of "women be taking it in the ass now". We were all making fun of him for it when we were informed WE were on the news for mocking him, and needed to stop the tournament because he took offense to this and was going to declare war on the college.
DECEMBER 17TH, 2024: I almost never have dreams that take place in the same area, but I've had a dream about this library twice now. It's an amalgamation of some of the most expansive libraries I've visited, like the Strand in New York and Tattered Cover in Colorado. I was there with my mom, and we were looking for a specific book. I knew I didn't have a lot of money and wanted to save it for this book in particular. But as we kept looking, I kept encountering other books I wanted to buy: comic collections from shows I like, psychological texts, books on Greek mythology... Every time, I would say "alright, I'll come back later" and leave them. We kept looking and looking, but we never found the book I was looking for.
SPRING 2019?: I had this dream about a week into spring break in college. I was on a plane with my dad and realized that I had forgotten a sweater and some shampoo, but told my dad "this is a dream so when I wake up and am on a plane for real I'll make sure I remember it". He looked at me and said "What are you talking about? This is real life, not a dream!" So I decided it probably was real. In the dream, I woke up, went on the plane again, and forgot something AGAIN. A week later, flying back home for real this time, I forgot a cardigan I really liked.
UNKNOWN: I was on a flying pirate ship. We would travel between different worlds and trade with people (including one person who briefly docked on the ship). I worked with three other people. Our manager was a middle-aged white lady. The only other person I remember working with was this guy who only spoke Spanish -- problem was, the rest of us only spoke English. Our manager was always very concerned about him and pulling me aside to ask for advice on what to do with him. I thought this was ridiculous, since he was perfectly good at the job. She would always schedule us together since we got along well. We were picking up groceries when he turned to me, held up a bunch of macarons, and said, "How much are these?" I asked him how he was suddenly speaking English and he looked me in the eyes and said "I can speak English fine, I just don't like talking to people". It turns out he didn't even know how to speak Spanish. The dream had this sort of flashback sequence where I realized that, every time I heard him speak Spanish, he was just saying gibberish. I had thought this was odd but never called him on it because I knew it would be rude.
UNKNOWN: Earth was divided into two societies, people that lived underground and people that lived aboveground. The underground civilization was separate and secretive, with entrances hidden in public spaces like behind toilets in bathrooms or in sewers. Most people aboveground had no idea that people were living underneath them. I was someone who lived aboveground, but would travel underground to party. One day, there was this global cataclysmic event; I remember seeing news broadcasts of people standing in front of shorelines buffeted by hurricanes and buildings on fire. I took my family and we retreated into the earth. I would sometimes poke my head out, and every time I did, things would just get worse and worse. I think it was all caused by an asteroid about to crash into the earth?
UNKNOWN: I was driving around this massive, empty cityscape at night. I just remember looking up and seeing this swirling galaxy in the sky, far, FAR too close for comfort...
UNKNOWN: The earth was being attacked by aliens, so my parents and I managed to escape onto a ship. Within the relative safety of the spaceship, we watched as the Earth was buffeted by alien debris. My mom accidentally shut off the airlock in a room and we barely managed to get out of it in time.
UNKNOWN: Something terrible had happened to the earth, so I was on a spaceship trying to survive. I don't remember much of this one, except that it felt LONG; I swear I could feel the real-world hours it took. I remember walking along a suburban-style sidewalk on the moon, for some reason, while looking for supplies, and revisiting the scene where we escaped from the earth with this sense of terror and dread.
UNKNOWN: I was playing a video game where a werewolf was chasing me, but every time I tried to escape from it, I had to navigate this claustrophobic maze of doors. Some of them were locked, some of them weren't, but all of them took forever to open and were so close they'd scrape across each other.